When it comes to food or beverage secondary packaging... Profitingfromthe V-Curveengineered into your packaging line doesn't need to be atough nut to crack. Do you own or operate high-speed packaging linesinahighly regulatedfood orbeverage plant? Then you already know that whenever you lose control of your V-Curve you'recompromising quality, wasting capacity,increasing costs. And givingaway uptime. Every time your packagingline V-Curve is out of control, your packaging system, orsub-system, is costing you moremoneythan you think. Let'stalkabout some of the ways an OEM-neutralIPM Uptime Audit could strengthen your packaging operation. *callipm.com/uptime *(616) 531-7758 See IPM at Pack Expo Southeast at Booth 2400http://www.callipm.com/uptime