Reduce Your Costs with Free Flow® At two to three times your current application rate, Free Flow® anti-caking agents can reduce your costs dramatically. Free Flow® 3% Cellulose Free Flow® is nearly invisible at 3%. * Free Flow® 3% Free Flow® 1031 can be customized to co-deliver antimycotics and oxygen scavenger systems to assure ongoing flavor and freshness. For more information about Free Flow® and our complete line of anti-caking solutions, contact us today. looks better than cellulose at twice the application rate. Improve Yield, Appearance and Profitability of Your Cheese Shreds * Free Flow® anti-caking agents can be applied at higher application rates to improve yield and profitability. * A smart substitute for cellulose, Free Flow® can be applied at over twice the rate and remain significantly less visible. * Low airborne dust ensures safer working conditions, less equipment wear-and-tear and better package seal integrity. * Free Flow® delivers excellent flowability for maximum line speeds, while preventing clumping. ©2022 Allied Blending LP 1-800-758-4080 * All rights reserved.