Faster membrane cleaning, without thechlorine Amajor dairymanufacturerneededanalternative to chlorine-based cleaners that would lessen itsenvironmental impactand lengthenthe usablelifespanofproduction membranes. So they partneredwithEcolab® on atrial of UltrasilTM Connected arevolutionarymembranecareprogram that delivers athoroughclean through acombination of advanced enzymaticchemistry and digital insights. Which delivereda faster clean,moreuptime,and better sustainability with aforecastedvalue of over $400,000 ayear.* Fastermembrane cleaning Zero chlorine Read thecasestudy Scan theQRcodeorvisit to learnmore. *Because of factorsoutside ofEcolab's control, such as waterconditions and facility cleaning processes, resultstobeobtainedincluding butnot limitedtowater and energy savingscannot be predictedorguaranteedby Ecolab. Thissiteisa whey processing plantmakingprotein concentrate with UF membrane applications. © 2024 Ecolab Inc. Allrightsreserved. 61685/0300/1024 Actionable digital insights