a full circle system D by Allison Gibeson | dairyprocessing@sosland.com riven by consumer and industry expectations, every step in the process of developing a dairy package is being scrutinized to ensure it is produced responsibly. Creating packaging that promotes a circular economy requires creative innovation as well as consumer engagement to ensure a continuous supply of post-consumer recycled content. RECRUITING THE CONSUMER The California Milk Advisory Board, Tracy, Calif., developed the " Recycle the Jug " campaign after discovering just how valuable gallon milk jugs are to recyclers and how confused consumers are about what happens to their milk jugs when placed for recycling, said Bob Carroll, vice president of business development. " There was such a gap between perception and reality with consumers and their behavior, " Carroll said. Consumers often lacked an accurate understanding of what happens to their jugs after putting them out for recycling, so CMAB partnered with MilkPEP to launch a campaign. CMAB utilized a website, social media content and influencer backing to see if it could make a difference in the Dairy packaging innovations emphasize renewability and recyclability. 42 MAR-APR 2023 | DAIRYPROCESSING.COM © Ieva Zigg-stock.adobe.comhttp://www.DAIRYPROCESSING.COM