Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 37

optimize the output, improve the quality, have more consistent
product and lower the risk of bad quality and food safety
incidents as well, " Koks said. " This is something no human
being can do. "
A person doing such a task could only look at a few
parameters at a time, and it would take significantly longer to
complete the analysis.
multi-factor authentication, creating backup files, encrypting
sensitive files, and network segmentation are all best
practices to help prevent ransomware attacks.
The risks associated with food safety incidents and cyber
security vulnerabilities can be reduced by having the right
enterprise resource planning software. Marcel Koks, senior
industry and solution strategy director for New York-based
Infor, said 70% of companies in the food industry report having
experienced some level of cyber attacks, so it's not a matter of if
an incident might occur but rather when an incident will happen.
In the past there was a belief that on premises ERP
solutions were more secure, but Koks said companies are
increasingly viewing the cloud as more secure, as it offers
additional redundancy. The predictive maintenance that
well rounded ERP systems enable processors to perform
also reduces risks, and more dairy processors are using IoT
sensors to monitor and repair equipment before a problem
arises and a food safety issue occurs.
Koks said a dairy processor working with Infor uses the
company's solution and machine learning to analyze about
30 parameters to determine the quality of cheese they make
with the goal of optimizing yield from raw milk. At the same
time, the processor is also increasing the quality of its cheese
and reducing the risk of making a lower-quality product. The
parameters analyzed include humidity, temperature, acidity,
fats, protein content, settings of equipment and more.
" By simply doing that for every production batch, they
Planning production schedules by hand when that involves
tank capacity and flow, and bottling and packaging lines, can
also pose risks due to simple human error or the inability to
conceptualize the bigger picture of the situation, so Koks said
ERP systems like Infor help reduce this risk.
Increasingly having the ability to provide real-time
traceability data for food safety purposes also makes such
ERP solutions essential to being able to meet more stringent
regulatory requirements. Additionally, these systems help ensure
safety checks are being completed on schedule, said Mikael
Bengtsson, industry and solution strategy director for Infor.
Christchurch, New Zealand-based MADCAP offers a
solution to help boost this traceability by collecting data on
milk going back to the farm and continuing to its reception
at the processing plant. The solution can tie into other ERP
systems to provide the whole picture.
If you have poor security
practices, you are probably going to
be the one that's going to get hit. "
Jonathan Braley, Food and Agriculture Information
Sharing and Analysis Center
Nestle uses MADCAP's solution and it enables the
company to see information including volume, farmer
payments and composition of the milk within hours or days,
whereas such a report used to take nearly a year to produce,
said Tomas Vera, MADCAP's regional director for Europe
and Americas.
" (Processors) can react very quickly to anything that
happens at a global level or at a local level ... because we've
connected (the data) to the production batch, " Vera said.
" We transfer all the traceability information to whatever
production system they have. "
This also reduces the risk of food fraud because it allows
processors to know where the truck collected the milk, along
with all logistical information, which are important details to
establish as fraud can occur during the collection process,
Vera said.
As the dairy industry works to become more resilient and
ready for the future, implementing and building on such risk
mitigation initiatives will be essential.

Dairy Processing - January/February 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Dairy Processing - January/February 2024

Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - Intro
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - FCa
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - FCb
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 1
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 2
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 3
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 4
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 5
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 6
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 7
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 8
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 9
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 10
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 11
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 12
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 13
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 14
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 15
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 16
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 17
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 18
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 19
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 20
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 21
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 22
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 23
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 24
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 25
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 26
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 27
Dairy Processing - January/February 2024 - 28
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